Tuesday 23 March 2010

What do you Weigh?

By Nkop Mmekeme

"You must crave pure spiritual milk so that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation. Cry out for this nourishment as a baby cries for milk." 1.Pet.2:2 (NLT)

The field of Mechanics, a part of Physics, has proven that weight is one of the major factors that contribute to the stability of matter irrespective of how much space it occupies. It takes a greater force to displace a concrete slab than that required to cause such a displacement in a cork of a bigger size. I therefore would concur by saying, the greater the weight of a given object, the higher its stability and hence the greater the force that is required to displace it.

Our focus today is on the need for spiritual weight. We should not be oblivious of the fact that in this race, there are so many forces contending to put us off the track leading to our target. The race gets tougher as we make progress, and this suggests the reason why we all need to gather spiritual weight. We should also understand from our introduction that what you weigh determines how long you can last.

The world has invaded the church today with its systems and methodology, and this constitutes one of the strongest forces contending against the spiritual progress of so many Christians. In the faith today, we witness lots of ill-behaviours which are not befitting of Christians, not because these ones have not truly accepted Jesus into their hearts but because they can not withstand their opposition.

You do not pray to have spiritual weight, you eat to grow in faith and have spiritual weight. The higher you go the stronger the forces designed to pull you down. We should all understand that our only means of staying afloat and surviving to the end is by growing continually and consistently in faith. Gathering spiritual weight is achieved through a steady growth in faith and faith grows by hearing and making use of the word of God in our lives, at all times. This means if you are faced with trials fourteen times in a day, you apply the word of God fourteen times a day. This is how faith grows and spiritual weight is acquired.

Imagine a helicopter, whose propeller is at a very high speed. It blows out of range, any object placed along its path whose weight does not exceed or is commensurate with the force exerted on it by the propeller. It is also easier for a fan to blow away a paper than a book. Today, no matter how much you think you know, give yourself to a consistent study and meditation on the word. It is the only way out.    

Lord, help me grow spiritually. I desire to thirst for you as the deer pants for the river brooks. I need you in my life. I want to eat the word daily, I want to drink in your ever-refreshing presence. I love to feast at your table. Enable me meditate and grow fat & strong so that i can become unshakeable

Further Study: Ephesians.4:14-16

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