Monday 17 May 2010

God's Refinery

Crude oil in it's raw state contains complex chains of hydrocarbon;having several final products.This products are obtained through a series of processes at different temperatures with different techniques.The technique chosen determines the temperature at which the product will be refined and likewise the outcome.The higher the temperature,the more complex the technique,and the less complex the hydrocarbon chains in the refined product.The process actually breaksdown the hydrocarbon chains,removes all impurities and brings out a pure and refined product.

Likewise,God's refinery is designed to bring us out of our lowly estates where we happen to find ourselves in Adam,into His original plan of being in His image and likeness;having a resemblance of Him in Christ Jesus.The test and trials we pass through on daily basis are not meant todestroy us ,but tobring out the God-life in us,which we recieved when we accepted JESUS.This processof refining could be likened to the needle -eye experience which Jesus described in mathew19vs24.It is usually an excruciating experience;where you have to loose all,just to gain Christ.It is also worthy of note that if you loose all for Christ ,you gain all in Him.

This process of refinement entails letting go of all you had hitherto been used to;at times it may mean seperation from freinds and relatives that contribute negatively to your life.It may breaking off from old habits that have eaten deep into you,and form part of you.It may as well mean havin g to let go of something you deeply cherish.It is only by letting go of those negativities in your life that you can lay hold on eternal life.Being stripped of these things would rather refine you instead of destroying you.

This is just to encourage everyone reading this article to know that God has designed a plan to make you look like Him.Maximize the oppurtunity and become like God here on earth,taking your place as SONS,ruling every situation here on earth in His stead.

If you are reading this article and you have not tet accepted Jesus, lets pray together "LORD JESUS,COME INTO MY HEART,I REPENT OF ALL MY SINS,BE MY LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOR,I SURRENDER MY LIFE TO YOU,FROM THIS DAY FORWARD.COME AND MAKE YOUR ABODE IN ME,IN JESUS NAME AMEN".  Congratulations!!!You are on your way to a SUPER-LIFE.

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